With only one day left of 2015, it's time to wrap up and say goodbye to what has been an amazing year. It usually takes me days to write a blog post, so I will keep this one really short as I would love to get it finished today.
2015 has been quite a spectacular year, filled with everything I could have ever wished for; friends reunion, new friendships, amazing people, exciting travel destinations, great work opportunities, and just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I became an aunt to the cutest niece in the world. Some of the work-related highlights of this year include shooting another 12 issues of Gurmet magazine in Prague, teaching a food photography and styling workshop with Jo and Olia or travelling to Jerusalem to photograph Taste of Waldorf Astoria. I'm grateful for everything this year has brought and taught me and I'm really excited for the next one.
So here's to 2016, a new year full of new exciting opportunities, friendships, travel destinations, challenges and more.
2016, I'm ready for you.
To give a toast, my friend Jo and I decided to do a little cocktail photoshoot, which seemed like a crazy idea at the time (just before Christmas and both of us being insanely busy) but we managed to create two drinks, perfect for the end of the year party. It was so much fun shooting these cocktails and playing with beutiful props from West Elm. I shared my Spicy Beer Bloody Mary here or head over to Jo's blog for the elderflower gin & tonic recipe.

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Spicy Beer Bloody Mary
Serves 2
4 large ice cubes
1 lime
1 tbsp Maldon salt
130 ml tomato juice
a dash of Worcestershire sauce
4 dashes Tabasco (1-2 for a milder taste)
330 ml Mexican beer
freshly ground black pepper
Put Maldon salt in a small bowl or plate. Rub rims of two glasses with a wedge of lime and dip each glass in the salt.
Drop two large ice cubes in a cocktail shaker, add tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, a pinch of freshly ground black pepper, a table spoon of lime juice and beer. Give it a stir and strain into two glasses filled with ice.
Garnish with two olives and a pinch of black pepper.
Many thanks to West Elm for providing glasses & barware for this photoshoot.