I so much love sea and all things related. Being originally from a country with no sea, I don't even know where this love affair came from. Seaside, boats, infinite shades of blue, relaxing sound of the sea, fresh breeze and the smell of the salt in the air, I can dream on. Just add good food and I'm one very happy girl.
But strangely enough, an idea of days spent on a ship cruising the ocean never really excited me. I was thinking something like "Why would you voluntarily get stuck on a ship for days? What would you do? What a boring way to spend your holiday..." I was proven SO wrong, after spending two days on board Quantum of the Seas last month. I had absolutely no idea it would be one of the best experience of the year. My first cruise ever couldn't get any better than this. From the moment I put my foot on board, I wouldn't stop saying "wow"! Starting with an amazing lunch at Jamie's Italian, followed by a lot more food at some of 18 restaurants on board, drinking cocktails prepared by a robotic bartender, watching one of the most interesting shows at the Two 70º or admiring the ship from a glass pod lifted 300 ft above sea level, I was not bored even for a second and wished I could stay for another week to experience everything this smart ship has to offer. And there is a lot more!