This blog post is 'only' about five months late. I was genuinely shocked when I discovered a post about food photography and styling workshop which I was teaching last year in Lebanon in my draft folder. I completely abandoned my blog for a few months and was just about to start working on a new blog post, when I stumbled upon this beauty. First, I thought it's really too late to post it, but then I scrolled down through the photos and memories of a sunny Lebanon and a full day spent with wonderful people enjoying the inspiring FBC community vibes flooded my mind and I became overwhelmed with rain, clouds and the cold weather in the UK. And so I thought, a few sun filled photos in the middle of winter can't do any harm.

This one day food photography and styling workshop was extra special as it was the launch of the first FBC Roaming workshops which took place last year in September at Beit al Batroun, an absolutely charming B&B located in the North of Lebanon, filled with props which make every blogger immediately jealous. We definitely put the props in good use during the workshop where I covered topics such as shooting angles, composition, using props to create different mood in photos, how to work with daylight, food styling tips and much more. The sense of community, lots of fun, food and amazing people always make me so happy. We all had such a great time; learning, chatting and enjoying the sun, while keeping very well hydrated thanks to our generous sponsors providing us with Lebanese wine, beer and fresh juice. And of course, it wouldn't be a FBC event if there wasn't an overload of food. Bethany spent all day in the kitchen to prepare a sample menu from her debut cookbook The Jewelled Kitchen. Let me tell you, this was quite a test of the book since most of the participants were local. She passed the test and there wasn't any food left!
Seeing these pictures made me a bit melancholic, missing Food Blogger Connect and my blogger friends! But luckily, the 6th edition of this 'trailblazing pilgrimage' attended by the international community of food, travel, lifestyle and fitness bloggers, is just around the corner! If you too, want to spend time with such a loving community, join us in London for the next 3 day conference taking place June 6th, 7th and 8th. Until then, enjoy these sunny photos of a time well spent in Lebanon and keep on the look out for other upcoming roaming workshops around the world!

Photo courtesy of Cookin' five square meters