Hey my friends, I'm back. Not that soon as I promised, though. I don't know what is keeping me from doing anything! May it be Christmas around the corner? May it be my laziness? Or both? I just know that I feel like I have less energy left inside of me these days. I want sunshine or snow. I guess, I simply just need more light.

I know that sugar makes me happy and keeps my energy up! This theory was thoroughly tested during my studies. Oh yeah, I can not even say how much chocolate I ate during every exam term! :) I did not nourish myself with chocolate this time, though. I know I have already posted a recipe for a rice pudding some time ago. However, rice pudding is one of my all time favourite desserts, and I made a lighter version, omitting a double cream, and I used a proper pudding rice.
I got the pudding rice in a local food centre. I was actually quite surprised. I felt like Alice in Wonderland while browsing the shelves full of all kinds of rice, bulgur, polenta, couscous and other yummy stuff. Unfortunately, I could not spent so much time there as P. was not so excited to be in a food kingdom and kept asking me if I got everything I needed. I have to go back alone! :)

I used a pineapple to serve my rice pudding, but it is delicious with any fruit you find at home. I even like it just plain when the pudding is still warm.
Coconut rice pudding with pineapple
Serves 4
1/2 cup pudding rice
400ml coconut milk (1 can)
150ml ful fat milk
4 cardamon pods
2 tbsp palm sugar
shredded coconut to serve
unsalted pistachios, chopped
fresh or canned pineapple, diced
1 Wash and drain the rice in a sieve.
2 Heat the coconut milk mixed with the full fat milk and cardamon pods in a small sauce pan over a low heat. Bring to the boil.
3 Add the rice and stir well. Simmer, covered for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until almost all milk is absorbed and the rice is tender.
4 Discard the cardamon pods. Add the sugar and stir well. I usually let the rice stand, covered, for couple minutes before serving.
5 Divide the rice pudding between prepared bowls or glasses and top with pineapple, coconut and pistachios.